You're tired, I get you. You're too busy, I understand. But there is 1,440 minutes in a day and you only need 30 minutes for a good workout, so in my eyes there is always time for exercise. Sure most of us are tired from leading busy lives, I mean, I work a full time job, run a full time blog, run a YouTube channel, have a great social life, run around like a headless chicken most of the time trying to attend meetings on time, but everyday I will leave an hour/hour and a half for a work out. Heck if I am that busy I will squeeze in a cheeky ab session in a lunch time at work. But seriously, I wouldn't change my routine for the world... why? Because I feel absolutely amazing for it.
When I was at university I aways used to say that I had no time exercise, I mean I used to study for 12 hours straight a day but was that really an excuse? No. The truth really was that I couldn't be bothered to go because it meant having to get changed, get there, have a shower after, and oh, I was also mega tired from studying. Bad Eltoria I know. But that was 2 years ago and my attitudes towards exercise have completely changed. I've never really had body issues (fortunately I have always had a slim figure) but have I been unfit, errr yeah. Apart from starting to gain a little extra weight around my waist and thighs, the simplest things like cycling to university would be a gruelling task. Also running for a train would make me hot, sweaty and out of breath. These are all simple day to day tasks, why should these feelings be the norm for a 21 year old? Something had to change.
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Above: click on the thumbnail to check out my fitness story |
As soon as I left university the first thing I did was join a gym. Now as a child/teen I was always into sport, so my sport knowledge was pretty good. But stepping into a gym and using the equipment properly, I had no idea what I was doing. So yeah, I had to completely re-educate myself. I got help from a personal trainer for a while but I then started to pick the brains of the internet and fellow gym friends that I had made. Never feel bad for asking questions, it is the best way to learn and also get inspired. I also found that going to the gym made significant improvements in other areas of my life, for example, diet and confidence. I can now honestly day that if I do not exercise in a few days, I generally start to feel really lethargic and sometimes it can start to effect my mood. But don't get me wrong, this whole fitness game isn't all rainbows and flowers.
Some days I really do struggle to get myself to the gym, so to make it easier for myself I take my gym kit to work and drive straight there after (and trust me, this really does help!). I also follow a training plan that I had prepared for me by James Whipp Fitness (here) and I generally feel really bad if I skip a session. I also believe that fitness plans are also really good for guidance, that way you are able to research the exercises before going the gym and it gives you the opportunity to prepare some questions for a PT at the gym. So here are a few other things that help me get motivated for the gym:
- Book a session with a training partner (your sister, brother, friend etc)
- Keep before and after photos, you will definitely see difference after a while!
- Keep inspirational photos on your phone (fitness pics, body goal pics etc)
- Take your iPod with you and create a damn good playlist
- Eat clean, train dirty- you have to balance the two out!
- Buy some new gym gear (a personal favourite)
- Set realistic targets and have a goal in mind (for example, beach ready for a holiday)
- Talk to other fitness enthusiast (I find so motivating)
- Plan a time for each day to exercise and stick to it
So what else can you do to motivate yourself? If you have children or a responsibility which means that you cannot leave the house, try home workouts. There are some amazing HIIT YouTube videos, apps, workout DVDs and even books- they are all really affordable or for free! You also don't have to go to the gym, maybe join a running club, a team or go swimming. There are so many other things you can do so don't feel obliged that going to the gym is the only option.
What do you like to do to keep yourself motivated?
Much Love
Eltoria x
Eltoria- South West Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger and South West YouTuber
Be sure to check out my recent EUROS 2016 Girl Names Players Fail YouTube video (click here)